Wednesday 20 November 2013

Otis Maho brings goodies from Germany; set to drop "Rocking and Rolling"

Otis Maho

Nigerian born Germany-based Hip hop act, Otis Maho is set to return to Nigeria after many years of sojourn abroad. Apart from his plan to drop his latest single entitled Rocking and Rolling, his long awaited comeback is also expected to add glitz and glamour to the wave-making music industry.
Though his name may not immediately resonate among many music lovers, Otis Maho whose real name is Alfred Edward is not new to the local and international music scene, having ruled the airwaves on many occasions with his groovy songs.
Sunday Express learnt that the Abia State-born act who is expected in the country today, Friday, November 22, will also hold his track listening party at No Limit Lounge, located at No. 3, Aiyetoro Street, Aguda, Surulere.

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