Monday 27 January 2014

My untold stories –Nollywood actress, Nonye Marvis

                                                                                    By JAMES EMMANUEL
Nonye marvis

At a close encounter with the multi-talented Nollywood actress, Nonye Marvis , what comes to the mind of a movie-buff is that she is pretty, sexy and daring.
   “I believe I have a lot to offer the industry. My dream is to go beyond Nollywood. I desire to act in Hollywood and I know it will soon come to pass,” the sparkling actress said. Ever since she hugged the klieg light in 2011, the burgeoning career of the Imo State-born starlet has continued to witness an upward swing in Nollywood.
  In this hearty chat, Nonye opened up on her Nollywood Odysseys, love life, among other germane issues.

Briefly give us an insight about yourself

I’m Chinonye Marvis, the seventh child in a family of eight. My dad is a businessman while my mum is a trader. I hail from Orlu in Imo state. I studied Biochemistry at Imo State University. Basically I would say my growing up was fun. My elder ones were very protective and grew up that way.

How long have you been acting?
I’ve been acting for about three years now.
So how did acting begin for you?
I can’t really say how it all began. I was in an audition for a modeling job in Owerri when a producer, Frank Ewujo saw me and after a brief chat he invited me to be part of his production-that is for The Invasion of Owerri after which we did Nwa Mary, The Angry gods, and others. I also have a couple of unreleased jobs.  So it has been fun since then. In 2011 I was part of the training project of NNDC-Youth Empowerment through entertainment which was produced by Ifeanyi Ezekwe (Mr. Fix It) who is also my mentor in Nollywood.
Nonye Marvis with ace actor, Saheed Balogun
Are your parents in support of your chosen career?
My parents have never objected to it. But on the other hand, as parents who want the best for their daughter, they always advice and warn me to be careful. They have been very supportive over the years.
What informed your decision to embrace acting as a career?
What inspired me is simply the desire to express my talent and be happy. I also cherish the opportunity to impact knowledge through drama to my generations.  

Are there roles you cannot play?  
Definitely there are roles I cannot play! I can’t get naked on the front of a camera; I can’t act nude scenes.
So what has been your most challenging role so far?
All roles are challenging; it depends on the storyline. So I can’t really pick out any one as the most challenging. They are all challenging in their different rights. But I’m looking forward for more challenging roles. On the other hand, I’m also really looking forward to be featured in Hollywood films. Yes, I have a Hollywood ambition. And I believe it will happen with time.
Nonye Marvis with Segun Arinze
What is the first thing you do when you get a script?
When I get a script, I look out for the description of my character, after that I try to put myself into the character. But before then, I study the scripts, trying to find out the lessons such scripts can teach. Is there any inspiration in the storyline? What values does it have?  And of course, is it entertaining without porn? Basically that is what I look out for.
Obviously, the industry is highly competitive, how do you intend breaking into the A-list? What are your unique selling points?
I’m not aspiring to be like anybody in terms of A-listing. I rather want to be a good actor and an ambassador. But  there are a couple of actors I admire so much, actors like Omotola, Florence Onuma, Kate Henshaw, Rita Dominic, Stella Damasus, among others. For the male, I think I like Desmond Elliot and few others.
 It’s believed that most up and coming actresses trade their bodies for movie roles; what has been your response to ‘sex-for-roles directors’?
 Firstly, one has to know what she wants in the industry. Then, how you present yourself also matters a lot and determine how you will be addressed. If you present yourself as a desperate young lady who is ready to do anything and go at any length to get what she wants, then you will fall into the trap and categories of sex-for-roles actresses. Being a star is a gradual process, that’s what most people don’t know. To be in the limelight is not a matter of days but years of hard work. I’m not desperate; my good job will speak for me. I will wait for my time-I say no to sex-for-roles!
So what has been your source of inspiration?
God and God alone has been the source of my inspiration.
What is your philosophy of life like?
My simple philosophy in life is to be good and fair to all and do all what I wish people to do to me. Life has taught me to be kind and simple and trust God in all I do.
Tell us what people don’t know about you?
I could be very erratic at times (laughs).

Have you ever had heartbreak before?
I have not. Let’s say I have refused to give out my heart to men who don’t deserve it.
You mean you’ve always been with the right man?
The truth is that it is not even long I started dating. It may sound strange to people. I can proudly say that I went into the university as a virgin and graduated as a virgin.
So who did you finally loosed your virginity to?

Nonye Marvis on the red carpet
I think that is my private life. What I am just trying to make you understand is that I have never been heartbroken; I have always been with one man and I am still with him till date.
As an actress, are you not scared that most famous actresses either don’t get married on time or their marriages don’t last?
I'm not scared because I'm a family-oriented person. On the other hand, it’s not just in Nollywood that we have broken marriages, it is everywhere. I believe in growing old with whoever I'm going to get married to and he has to be my best friend so that whenever anything goes wrong, we'll fix it rather than throwing away what we share.
So what kind of men are you attracted to?
I'm attracted to an intelligent, caring and confident man; a man who is focused and knows what he wants in life.
Have you seen such man?
Yes. But I don’t want to talk about him. I like keeping my relationship out of the media.
Some of your colleagues are into lesbianism; do you have a different sexual orientation?
I believe in having a romantic relationship with the opposite sex and not the same sex. So lesbianism is a ‘no no’ for me. It is even disgusting. I hate it with passion.